Sunday, July 3, 2011

1st Post

So I've been considering making a website for a while, but I'm not very 'techy' and didn't want to have to ask anyone to run it for me.  I still may do that someday, but until then, I thought I'd start a blog and see if it had enough interest to put any further consideration into starting up my own site.  So I've had plenty of ideas for my site.  I'd like to catalogue my collection videos so people can easily see them since I'm primarily a collector.  However, I also play the trading card game and have had had many people come to me for deck advice as well as TCG questions through youtube.  So I'd like to have a question/answer section where people can view the answers to these questions.  I've also thought about card reviews, deck reviews, battle reports, etc....

I welcome any additional suggestions and until I get an official site up, I'll be using this blog to talk about whatever pokemon topics I feel like addressing.  So tell me what you'd like to read about!

Since this is the first post, I'd rather not make it too long, but I have to mention that one of the biggest pokemon events of the year is coming up this weekend - the US Pokemon Nationals Competition!  It will be my first time attending and from what I hear, there's quite a bit to do other than just compete in the main tournament (although thats the main reason I'm going).  I plan on taking some HD movies while I'm there and uploading them to youtube to share with the rest of the poketubers out there!  So if you'd heard about anything in particular that goes on at Nationals that  you'd like to see a vid of, let me know and I'll try and get a few shots! 

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